A wholesaler with a passion for fruits & vegetables
The vegetable specialist of the Dutch food industry
Largest selection fruits & vegetables of the Netherlands
Daily brought to you into the kitchen
Rungis helps you further with fruits & vegetables
From cafes to Michelin starred restaurants

Gert Jan´s choice

In the field: Cerisa cherries, yellow cherries and Dutch apricots

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2 dagen geleden

🎥 Hollandse vanille: kijk achter de schermen!

Kijk mee achter de schermen met Gert Jan Zonneveld Piek bij onze de teler van de verse Hollandse vanille! De van oorsprong Mexicaanse plant maakt een uniek groeiproces door, voordat de gerijpte vanillepeulen klaar zijn voor het gebruik in de keuken.

Alle bloemen, die maar één ochtend open staan, worden handmatig bestoven. Als de plant dan niet wordt bestoven, groeit er geen vanillepeul. Kijk nu mee met Gert Jan in de vanillekas!

Meer lezen? 👉 rungis.nl/producten/nederlandse-vanille/

#rungisnl #VijfSeizoenen #barendrecht #rungis #chefswarehouse #freshfood #chef #Chefs #cheflife #chefslife #chefslifestyle #restaurant #horecalife Koppert Cress
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The five seasons of Rungis

The wintry flavors

Beets, cabbage, sprouts; don't say the winter is a less wealthy season. And what about all the citrus, which is now at its best.

The way spring tastes

A new spring... new flavors. Celebrate spring with creamy white asparagus, flowers on the plate and lettuce with the dew still on it.

Early summer flavors

It’s time for flowers. In fact, they are allowed on the plate. Along with all those wonderful fresh lettuces the early summer brings you.

The summery flavors

The summer with its abundance: plenty of choice, plenty of flavors and most of all, plenty of color.

The autumn flavors

Less color, but definitely no less flavor. The roots are big and thanks to the lower temperature, pleasantly sweet.

'Their colleagues come at the exact right time with an inspiration box. That’s how you immediately know: this is in season. And if i want something special, they start looking for it.'

They know: vegetables are the base for making a great dish. They don’t let you wait an entire week before something’s there. They have everything, from small farmers to international products.